Friday, October 24, 2008

My next topic: creativity blocks

After talking with some folks at the Legion of Tech the other night (I hope they pick me- I sent Dawn a massive email that may have been overkill), I've been dwelling more on the whole issue of why (it seems to me) the technology industry is so much more creative than the entertainment industry.
I have some thoughts on the subject, but it's mostly theorizing on my part. I'd like to do some research on creative blocks and creative workplaces, and maybe try to frame up a someday-in-the-distant-future Ignite talk.

If anyone has any thoughts on the subject, or maybe just have lunch or a drink to chat about it, let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm writing a question in regards to this headed your direction shortly, but couldn't help but ponder this myself.

I'd be keen for a lunch discussion on this topic too, but for now, here are my thoughts...

My belief that there is so much innovation and creativity in the technology industry is because of a single ideal: Liberty. Specifically the freedom to act or believe without being stopped by unnecessary force. Whether bureaucracy or armed force or just being ridiculed, instead liberty is available in the individuals of this industry by the support and encouragement of every day people. We're supported by our positive ideas and forward thinking minds, our reason, and our thirst for increasing knowledge. We have no real barriers, no laws or regulations to stifle. I personally find the technology industry to be one of the best industries bar none.