Sunday, September 21, 2008


There are so many interesting opportunities to learn and share in this town. There's always something going on, and I'd like this blog to be a space where I keep track of what's coming up, and share those opportunities with others.

I would also like to share my response to those things here, to continue the conversations begun over coffee or drinks, and fan the flame.

The library is having a "Read the Classics" book group, with discussions led mostly by professors from Reed. It sounds amazing, and I'd love to participate, but the groups are limited to 25 people, and fill up immediately. While 25 is a good number for group discussion, I wish they would have more groups or sessions, so I could get into one.

The problem with using my google calendar to track these things is that it isn't really collaborative- feel free to suggest an alternate widget, or let me know about events I should publish.

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