Friday, March 25, 2011

what a week!

So, my first week of unemployment draws to a close, and it's been incredibly fun. I've had a lot of lunches and happy hours and coffees with my amazing smart friends, who have ideas and resources and inspiration every minute. I feel so grateful for all of these people who are willing to invest in me.
I've got my first freelance gig, a really interesting woman who is struggling with getting organized and staying on top of her projects- I'm going to try to work with her to give her some tools to help her manage everything and feel more in control of her time. It's a bit of a stretch for me- I've never done anything quite like it, but I'm excited to learn and to teach and see how it goes.
I started an improv comedy class, which really comes at a perfect time- freeing yourself from the consequences; being in the moment as it is, rather than how you wish it is; being willing to fail... I meant to take it last December, but I think it's actually better that I'm doing it now.
I also had another great meeting with the guys out at Super Genius. I think I'll be spending some time out there next week, learning more about their business and their processes. They are incredibly nice people, and, again, every conversation I've had this week leaves me intrigued and inspired.
And we've been making huge progress on the next BeTween PDX. I think it's going to come together nicely and will be really valuable for attendees.

And, if you're wondering, yes, I'm worried about money. And I'm getting more worried, not less. But that's something I'm trying to just let go of for now. The time will come for me to freak out, but it's not here yet. I'm going to keep having fun.

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