Monday, September 6, 2010

what's going on?

Small stuff, really- puttering around the apartment, spending time with friends. I'm not planning anything, not on a mission to accomplish anything, and don't have much to share that would be of interest to a normal person.

Going to a DMI conference in a couple weeks- learning about design management. And reading (still) the Cryptonomicon- having a hard time getting into it. And it's been a lovely summer, in which the days are long, but the months fly by.

It's surprising how often I go back and read this blog, considering how little I've been posting in it. But I revisited my fourth of July post from last year, because it bears repeating, and read the poems from time to time.

It's funny how I'm about to turn 38, and yet I still feel so full of possibility, so ripe with potential. One would think that as I age, that sense of the unfolding future would begin to collapse, that the open doors would start to close, and yet I don't feel that way at all. Perhaps I'm deceiving myself.

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